Chinese barbequed pork, or char siu, is a delicious and popular dish that is often served in restaurants and at home. When it comes to pairing wine with this dish, Zinfandel stands out as the perfect choice. This bold, full-bodied wine complements the rich and flavorful char siu perfectly.

The sweetness of the marinade in char siu pairs wonderfully with the ripe fruit and bold tannins of Zinfandel. The wine's slight acidity helps to cut the richness of the dish, while its bold flavor stands up nicely against the sweetness of the marinade, bringing out the flavors even more.

When selecting a Zinfandel, look for an aged variety. Aged Zinfandels offer more complexity and subtlety, making them an ideal pairing for char siu. The Ravenswood Old Vines Zinfandel is a great choice - it has a deep ruby color and offers aromas of dried fruits, cocoa and brown sugar.

When pairing Zinfandel with char siu, consider the side dishes too. Steamed rice or stir-fried vegetables can help to bring out the flavors of the wine and make the pairing even more delicious.

Zinfandel is an excellent choice for pairing with char siu. Its bold flavor and subtle complexity will make this dish even more enjoyable. Take the time to savor the experience and enjoy the perfect pairing of Zinfandel and Chinese barbequed pork.